Saturday, November 25, 2006

The Truth about Rough Edges

On stage, he foxtrots to marshal

hyperkinetic energy. Psychological jargon

distorts, then sharpens on the screen

of his white button-down oxford.

Coughing up clever witticisms,

rapid fire self disclosure

to this motley audience of

400 seated professionals:

one in the front row,

doodling relentlessly, or

another over there daydreaming,

or here, next to me, her ponytail

holding hostage her scalp.

I love that he shouts what I say about

(and sometimes to) potential new suitors:

people without rough edges are boring.

I’m guessing this guy is a lot of things,

but boring is not one of them.

Yet let me complete the thought,

let me add the missing subjunctive clause:

Yes, those without rough edges are boring

and those with them are preferable.

But those who don’t know they have them

are dangerous.

(cc) Karen G. Johnston

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