Saturday, November 25, 2006

Flawed Aim

On the cusp, you

teeter between

hunger & true self.

Maybe not an addict

(though I remain unconvinced)

the craving inside

is the same that

drives the dope fiend,

shadowy, stunted, greedy.

Through the third eye

and in the swiftness of minor denials

I can still see who you were not so long ago,

Earning the title that makes you wince:

Selfish says spurned lover

mimicking daughter

inner voice

Still see the tormented introvert of an adolescent,

Shifty for survival, all zips and secrets,

Feeling rage, seeking numbness.

Still see the battered resignation of childhood

that makes of your skin

an ill-fitting suit.

This is what I believe, what I sense is true:

Today and with each step forward,

You are the fob at the end of a pocket watch chain

hypnotically swaying back & forth

weighted towards truth.

You are the diviner’s wooden rod, your

nose stretched uncomfortably before you,

pointing you in the right direction.

You don’t always start there.

Sometimes you miss your mark,

Yet eventually you come round right.

Flawed aim towards light.

(cc) Karen G. Johnston

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