Sunday, September 14, 2008

Letting Go

Forget me she entreats.
I do. Everyday I forget you.
Forget stubbed fingers
never reaching piano keys properly.
Disregard the image your lips parted,
chin raised to meet me.

Let me go she pleads.
I do. Every day I release you.
Release the recollection of hipsway,
let loose skirt’s subtle shadow
of where your thighs meet.

Be done of me she implores.
I am. Everyday I am done of you.
I close the book holding scant keepsakes
of our few forever-days together.

Everyday, I open it anew.

(cc) Karen G. Johnston

1 comment:

Bob Hoeppner said...

I keep meaning to comment on this and never get around to it. Nicely done.