Thursday, April 26, 2007

Buddhism Meets Capitalism

I have heard that Capitalism generates wealth,

but does not guarantee that all will eat.

It is also said that Capitalism

tends towards concentration.

Sitting on zafu, I find myself

wishing to emulate profit mongers.

Betraying socialist inclinations,

I covet that focus at which Capitalism excels.

Instead, Monkey Mind disperses

my attempts to be bodhisattva,

reveals my empty striving to not strive.

Oh, that I were a spiritual Rich Uncle Pennybags!

Yes, growing my capital gains, while still being

all about distribution of the Community Chest,

transitioning Park Place into affordable housing,

offsetting the pernicious impact of

Adam Smith, Mr. Monopoly, and their ilk.

Perhaps these hours on the cushion

will dissipate my greedy grasping.

Maybe Monkey Mind will chill

with ole Pennybags.

In place of Boardwalk,

there will be Middle Path for all.

(cc) Karen G. Johnston

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