Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Instantaneous Tilt

She was born that way:
Her eyes cannot make the image right.
She compensates, previous directional neutrality
vanishes as she faces ever so slightly left.

Isn’t this what we all have?
Some congenital bias
leaning us one way or another:
choosing drama over stability,
an inclination for physical labor or
pastel colors or transcendent salsa beat?
A simple slant towards
chocolate, not vanilla -- or vice-versa?

Don’t we all labor under
some off-kilter self-delusion
that proves one day to
rescue our sorry ass,
maybe even save our life?

And if not our precious life,
at least our dignity?

Why correct her endearing head tilt,
instead of commending it?
Why remedy it at all?
It should be applauded for making visions
of this vague world make sense.

(cc) Karen G. Johnston

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